
I’ll dip a little bit into the past. I know this thing is supposed to be about me, but I’ve been thinking about the whole Kennedy assassination bit. Yeah, the kids probably don’t know who Kennedy was. But I grew up in ‘Nam. I know all about it. Listen up, kids. We had a communist president all the way back then…yes we did. I was three years old when Kennedy was killed, sure, but I’ve done the research. It would take a blind man not to be able to see what was going on.

Kennedy is still alive, running the country from a palatial estate on the coast of Cuba. Or at least he was as of 2002. He’s got a few sons that have taken over by now, I’m sure. The guy who was killed in Dallas was an actor named Henry Lou Griffin. The real Kennedy was in a movie theater in Brooklyn, waiting for everything to blow over so he could catch a flight to the Caribbean. Then he hopped a flight to Cuba. Why was Kennedy’s death faked? The government needed to regain control of its sheep.

The government wants to be big. They want to keep their paychecks and their pensions and retirements. Even though the people have spoken. Even though the people want a smaller government that can stay the hell out of our lives and let us get out of our own mistakes. See, a lot was going on in the 60s. (Kids, ask your parents, but then again, don’t, because they were probably a stoned pack of hippies). There were people who were ready to take the country and turn it back into the way the founding fathers wanted it. But the government decided they wanted to keep their job. They don’t want free markets, they want to be in control.
So they start a war in Vietnam, and pretend to kill the president. The people and their weak wills begin to buckle. Hey, maybe this revolution thing is wrong. Maybe we shouldn’t care about our rights because the handsome guy from Massachusetts just got popped. Except he wasn’t popped, alright? That’s just what they want you to think.

Anyway, that’s all for now, folks. I’ve probably said too much, but it needed to be said. I’ve been sitting on that secret since 1988. This blog thing might be good for me after all. I can feel my angina pains loosening up for the first time in years. And my feet don’t even hurt so bad anymore. Good day.

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