
Here's what I've decided. There are two types of people in the world. People who support the Tea Party and then there's this other lump of idiots.

The title of this blog says it all. If you haven't guessed, I'm a supporter of liberty. I didn't mean to make this a political blog, but it has become increasingly clear that America needs a shove in the right direction, and I am here to give it to them. Enough about this stuff about my day to day life. It's election season.

I love the founding fathers. I sleep with an image of Thomas Jefferson on the ceiling above my bed. In my bathroom, I've got pictures of John Adams and Thomas Paine. They help me organize my thoughts when I start and end my day. Furthermore, I have the federalist papers scattered in various areas of my house and I read them from time to time. (I don't tell people this, but once, once, I dressed up as George Washington to have sex with my wife, which she poo-poo'd because she said it made me look to old. To which I said, that's the point. He was around hundreds of years ago.) This was my first wife, an idiot.

But I see too many people running around supporting that socialist, Obama. When did people stop caring about personal liberties and wanting to pay taxes. All of a sudden people want to make DC a state when it SAYS IN THE FEDERALIST PAPERS that DC is to remain a district. Why do we need to pay taxes? So Obama can take away our guns? So Obama can fly around in his jet and play golf anytime he wants? He's trying to turn us into communist China for chrissakes.

More on this to come. I've got the game paint on.

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